Paul Georgiou
If I was God and I was bored,
I’d make a world much like our own
and people it with folks like us
so I should never feel alone.
I’d give them lives like ours to live
with lots of joy and lots of pain;
through all the ups and downs of life
‘twould be their lot to entertain.
I’d watch them every chance I had,
know every character by name
but I would never interfere
for fear that I should spoil the game.
In time I might grow fond of some,
and they in turn might wonder why,
if, through God’s love, they’d come to live,
why, through God’s will, they had to die:
but die they must, without a doubt,
each of their breath I would deprive
for sadly death is one sure means
to keep a faltering plot alive.
If I was God and I was bored,
I’d make a world much like our own
and people it with folks like us
so I should never feel alone.
Not being God but being me
it seems to me God stands accused
of using me and all of us
simply to keep himself amused.
Surely a shocking thing to do
however lonely He might be,
but worst of all, I’d do it too
if I as lonely felt as He.