Paul Georgiou
About me
Academic Record:
St Marylebone Grammar School (1953 – 1961)
B.A. (Hons) in English, New College, Oxford (1961-1964):
M. Phil in Modern English Studies, New College, Oxford (1964-1966):
M.A. New College, Oxford (1968).
Professional Memberships:
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing:
Founder Member of the Association of Media Evaluation Companies
Industrial Management Experience:
Market Research Manager, Sandoz Products Ltd. (1968 – 1970):
Marketing Manager, Sandoz/Wander U.K. Ltd. (1970 – 1973)
Communications Management Experience:
Marketing and Development Manager, and member of the Executive Committee of Visnews (now Reuters Television Limited) the world's leading television news agency (1973 – 1979)
Managing Director, Panarc International Ltd (1980 to the present)
Managing business consultancy projects (in market research, marketing and communications) and Panarc's own commercial ventures. January, 1985 to July, 2012, developed and managed Panarc's Media Analysis service based on Panarc's own Media Analysis (Max) programme. From 2012, developed and managed Panarc Publishing, a publishing operation for marketing his own and others’ books.
Website Development
As an adjunct to Panarc’s Media Evaluation services, I committed the company to the research, development and maintenance of a number of informational websites.
Amongst those developed and maintained by Panarc International were:
All Panarc’s sites contain thousands of pages of in-depth research and are intended for those with a serious interest in the subject covered.
The DocuPraxis
In addition to developing the Max media coverage analysis programme, I also developed a computer program, DocuPraxis, to fulfil the following functions:
- Project Management
- Personal Information Management
- Document Construction
Panarc Publishing
To develop the publishing activity, in 2003, I set up a publishing division – Panarc Publishing, a publishing house with its own website (www.panarcpublishing.com.
Books published
Adventures in Grammarland, with Chris Prendergast
Adventures in Numberland
After the monkey ate my cheese
Beyond the breaking of the stone
Escape from Obesity by George Bekes
God for the Curious Unbeliever
Report Writer’s Handbook
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Truth Quartet
The Fourth Beginning
The Devil’s Truth
The Praesidium
Out of nothing something comes
Short stories published
A Dog’s Life
All Our Tomorrows
Happy Birthday
Prince of Felonies
The Meaning of Life
Trouble at Thicksville
Where I have lived
1942: Born in Brighton
1942 – 1945: Bognor
1945 – 1952: Maida Vale, London
1952 – 1960: Harrow Weald
1961 – 1966: Oxford
1966 – 1967: Swiss Cottage
1967 – 1971: Camden Town
1971 – 2003: Ealing/Ealing Common
2003 – the present: New Forest (near Ringwood)